Post-Crisis Strategy Moves

U.S. business leaders, and HR recognize the increased volatility associated with the post-crisis economy and are approaching their companies’ most strategic initiatives with more caution than ever before. Risk aversion still dominates corporate psyche especially HR, but concerns over risk are shifting from avoidance to successful management. Executives, reflecting on lessons learned in the downturn, are concerned about the impact of failure as never before. As a result, many are assuming a corporate strategy of “perfection,” tightly scrutinizing how capital is being spent.

It is no wonder three quarters of companies have changed their approach to strategic initiatives in the past year, according to the latest FD/Forbes Insights Strategic Initiatives survey of 180 C-level executives, senior strategists, and communications professionals. The study, done with the Council of Public Relations Firms and the Association for Strategic Planning, also uncovers overall optimism that well-considered plans can still yield productive initiatives. Respondents believe there is room for growth, but they are
being more selective and taking careful steps to be more informed and better prepared than in recent years.

What are your thoughts on this post-crisis dilemma?